Follow these simple rules to enter the lego raffle
1. You must be a subscriber
2.You must click on Like this video
3. You must post a video as a response to the video on Youtube.
Click on the box that says "Respond to this video"
A link will come up at the side saying
"Create a video response"
Pick your video!
4.The video MUST be new, uploaded after the raffle video
5.The video MUST have Lego in it. It can be a review, a film,just Pictures,Stopmotion up to you. Does not matter how good it is,even your first video on YouTube. We all start somewhere!
6. The video MUST be more than 30 seconds
7.All names will be put in hat and drawn out so you all have the same chance of winning.
8. Will post to anywhere on the planet
9. Closing date will be on competition video.
10. Remember SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, NEW !!!!
11. If not will be DISQUALIFIED!
12.You can enter as many times as you like!!!
13.Good luck!